Collect in #Redditch and drop to #WestonSuperMere. A wee bit of complications at both collection and delivery.
End result = hit my daily target which means I can explore. So obviously I did 🤓
The tide was out, I walked for what seemed eternity on a muddy landscape which doesn’t seem to end. The mud just gets deeper until you stop gambling with your life.
I got some pics under the pier and had a few moments of geeky admiration at the #engineering that holds the weight and generally stays in place with the sea battering it on a daily basis.
Some interesting boats just laying around seemingly abandoned going by the decay.
I spoke to some locals who mentioned the #BirnbeckPier. It was fascinating. Owned by a private entity and now finally in the process of being returned into a state where one can visit it. Eventually. From afar there’s buildings in various states of disrepair and the pier heading there looks like it’s going to fall any minute.
Take a look at for more info. It’s important that we all play some part in restoring the countries magnificent.
#heritage #courier #travel #sameday #logistics
So, do you need a courier? One that appreciates and supports regeneration of the countries lost gems? I would if I were you 🤓
Click on and use the calculator to quote you.
If you have any questions???? Get in touch.