I found myself in a forest deep in #Surrey.
He’s standing still. Not moving at all. He hasn’t noticed me. He’s frozen! As my son would say “he’s in the ‘pause’ menu.”
What is he doing? Maybe he’s having a moment of creepy reflection in the forest.
What if he’s not real! What if he’s that forest demon guy folk talk about? Y’know the one that attacks people. No problem, I’ll do kung fu on him. Crap, I don’t even know kung fu.
He does smell a little. I can smell him from here. He smells like a dead guy in a forest.
I call out to him “Hi”
Nothing. Not a single response.
“Sorry, do you know which way the car park is?”
He slowly turned around. His movements were choppy. Maybe this is one of them ‘matrix’ moments that the internet talks about.
“Yes, follow this path and take the first left and you’ll see it.”
This guy was nice as pie. He then ranted about the government and his taxation is theft to which I just nodded in agreement.
He had an overall ‘rough appearance. As if he lived in the forest itself. After a brief chat I walked away heading to the car park. I turn around. The guy was gone. Just like that!
Spooky eh.
#courier #sameday #logistics
So, do you need an easily spooked by strange forest people courier? You should otherwise spooky forest guy will slide in your dms!
Click on www.frigate-express.co.uk and use the calculator to quote you.
If you have any questions???? Get in touch.