A drive from #Birmingham to #Manchester this morning and somehow I ended up here. With my targets met it was time for a mooch.
I walked through the village of Barnard Castle I came across an antique store. I was under strict instructions from my wife not to “buy anymore junk!”.
Clearly someone doesn’t appreciate the gems of nostalgia. Meh.
I got talking to the owner. He told me to visit the building across the road.
“You might find it interesting.” He casually stated wearing a smile. He then went to the trouble of pointing the building out to me. I done exactly as he said.
Crouching through the wooden front doorway the first thing I was greeted by was an open woodfire and then my eyes wandered round the room. OMG!
This place is a timewarp!
Everything in the property is from yesteryear. It works so well. There’s an English garden and a separate room behind it. Two further floors of goodness and places to sit too. It really was something else. A real treat for the senses. Even the coffee was decent too.
There’s a restaurant, bar, coffee places and shop in the same building. Well, the building serves as all these. Not the other way round. Oh and Oliver Cromwell used the property as a residence during the civil war in the mid 1600’s.
Anyway, this is the website >>> https://blagraves.com/
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